a star could sizzle like kettle kernels
a howl could taste like blood and the chase
a circle could waft like pumpkin pie and relatives round tables
a baby's cry splashes pink on the walls and cheeks
white could move in slow motion, a sheer blown by a window breeze
a whisper could tango like incense, curling seductively to the eardrum
mischief could smell like a black rubber mask and a grin
turquoise could tickle your toes with a peacock feather
a new idea could be that first breath above the surface
after diving deep and catching a glimpse
of an underwater Mermaid kingdom
a stranger could be a walking life lesson
listen, look, taste, inhale, and see
more than meets the I
"We are lonesome animals. We spend all of our life trying to be less lonesome. One of our ancient methods is to tell a story begging the listener to say-and to feel- ‘Yes, that is the way it is, or at least that is the way I feel it.’ You’re not as alone as you thought."
—John Steinbeck
"With many stories like these, he presented his message to them, fitting the stories to their experience and maturity. He was never without a story when he spoke. When he was alone with his disciples, he went over everything, sorting out the tangles, untying the knots."
"With many stories like these, he presented his message to them, fitting the stories to their experience and maturity. He was never without a story when he spoke. When he was alone with his disciples, he went over everything, sorting out the tangles, untying the knots."
Mark 4:33 (MSG)