the postpartum of Baby Jesus beauty born
White Christmas melted down to grey slush
after party mess of mud-puddle potholes
peppered with concrete crumbs and dead bug floaters
Head drooping as if looking for a hole to hibernate in
As I look down in the sooty soup bowls
reflections force me to look up in this inverted world
a brown blurred drowning to be born again
to "Die Empty" "Steal Like an Artist" and live "Hands Free"
to get out of bed with the "how" and "what"
to walk out the front door into the negative degree sting of the "why"
nose buried in books to soar to new heights in the new year
like the shivering birds who fly overhead
who choose to stay even though they could go to Florida
without having to call in sick or pay for a hotel.
Stupid birds…or are they on to something?
This icy sickness that slows, clips the wings
forcing me to rest in the shouting silence of the slump
eyes darting around, searching for bootstraps
to pull me up out of this muddy pothole funk
to close my eyes, end the search
to open my ears, begin to listen
for that slow steady icicle drip whisper
of You repeating…
"I got this.
I got this.
Whether it's months away
or as close as my next step
You will always bring back the Spring.
God’s loyal love couldn’t have run out,
his merciful love couldn’t have dried up.
They’re created new every morning.
How great your faithfulness!
I’m sticking with God (I say it over and over).
He’s all I’ve got left.
his merciful love couldn’t have dried up.
They’re created new every morning.
How great your faithfulness!
I’m sticking with God (I say it over and over).
He’s all I’ve got left.
Lamentations 3:22-24 (msg)
"Embrace the importance of now and refuse to allow the lull of comfort, fear, familiarity, and ego to prevent you from taking action on your ambitions...The cost of inaction is vast. Don't go to your grave with your best work inside of you. Choose to die empty."
Todd Henry, Die Empty