Saturday, April 19, 2008

Renaissance Girl

a jam packed day and I met You in the pause button
as I marveled at what her future might hold
the many sides of her all in 12 hours
a princess party where she begged for curls like Lucy Pevensie
and I smiled at the beauty infused from a Lion's roar
the delicate tea cups to complement her dimples
and princess karaoke where she turned off the music
to sing her own version of "Memory"
and what a memory it was
then on to a football game with daddy
back to ball cap, t-shirt and jeans
to cheer for Daddy's favorite team
and remind Daddy that rain only makes things more fun
back home and barefoot to explore her own agenda
beyond princess parties with mom
and football games with dad
to swirl the minnows from the edge of the dock
and marvel at Your God-made river playground
and I can't help dream of all You have for her
when bedtime prayers become less like Disney wishes
and more like real conversations
when beauty becomes more about who she in You
than pink glitter and barbie accessories
when prince charming transforms from a man on a horse
to a man on the cross
when daddy's love of the game
becomes a metaphor for her ultimate coach and playbook
when backyard exploration only brings glory to the maker
For now, I will simply thank You
for this jack of all trades
renaissance girl
who might just grow into a proverbs woman

"Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting;
but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised." Proverbs 31:30


Sarah (Koutz) Johnson said...

I love the pictures. It has been far too long since we have hung out!

...greg smith said...

What a be-u-t-full renaissance girl. A "Proverbs 31" woman in the making.