Saturday, December 09, 2006

What a Beauty

"Your beauty and love chase after me every day of my life. I'm back home in the house of God for the rest of my life." Psalm 23:6

I was there when she took her first breath
Her first smile, her first laugh, her first step,
Here first word, her first cry, first fever, her first sigh,
I love to reach back while driving
She knows exactly what to do
She just sweetly slips her little hand around mine
"I love you too Mommy"
Four years old . . .
reading words on her own
writing letters I can read
coloring inside the lines
playing house with Barbies
why is it so difficult
. . . when it goes so fast?
I want to swim in every moment of her little life
like staying in the bathtub until you get all pruny
I want to guide her to You
like a horse to water or a bird from a cage,
I want her to know beauty beyond Barbie and dresses and pink
I want her to know the Beauty of You.
Until then,
help me to slow the clock
play tug of war with the calendar
chase her with You
and swim in the moments until I get all pruny
What a beauty

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